Raccoon-Proofing Protecting Your Property

DIY Raccoon-Proofing: Protecting Your Property

Raccoons are fun to watch in their natural habitat, but they can be a nuisance when they invade your property. They are notorious for causing property damage, making loud noises at night, and posing health risks to humans and pets. Raccoon-proofing your property is essential to protect it from these critters. With a few simple DIY strategies and effective raccoon control measures, you can safeguard your property and enjoy a peaceful environment.

Key Takeaways

  • Raccoon-proofing your property is crucial to protect it from damages and nuisances.
  • DIY strategies and effective raccoon control measures can be used to safeguard your property from raccoons.
  • Some common raccoon control measures include sealing entry points, proper waste management, creating raccoon-resistant gardens, and installing raccoon-proof fencing.
  • Maintaining a raccoon-proof property requires regular inspections and repairs to ensure the long-term effectiveness of your prevention efforts.
  • If you’re facing persistent raccoon problems, professional help may be necessary.

Understanding Raccoon Behavior

If you want to keep raccoons away from your property, it’s crucial to understand their behavior. Raccoons are typically active at night and can climb, swim, and jump significant distances. They’re intelligent animals that can adapt to different environments, making them a challenge to deter. Raccoons are also omnivores and will eat anything from insects and fruits to small animals and human food.

Raccoon Prevention Tips

Here are some raccoon prevention tips to keep in mind:

  • Keep garbage bins secure and inaccessible to raccoons.
  • Use motion-activated lights or sprinklers to startle raccoons and deter them from your property.
  • Don’t leave pet food or water outside at night.
  • Trim overhanging tree branches and shrubs that provide easy access to your roof.
  • Seal any food sources, such as compost piles or pet food containers, to remove the incentive for raccoons to seek them out.

Raccoon Deterrents

There are several natural and commercial raccoon deterrents that you can use to discourage raccoons from entering your property. Here are some options:

  • Spicy repellents: Raccoons have a sensitive sense of smell and taste, and spicy scents can be overwhelming for them. Using cayenne pepper, hot sauce, or a similar spice around your property can help deter them.
  • Ultrasonic devices: These devices emit high-frequency sounds that are unpleasant to raccoons but inaudible to humans. They can be effective in keeping raccoons away from your property.
  • Physical barriers: Fencing, netting, and other physical barriers can be useful in keeping raccoons away from your garden or other vulnerable areas of your property.

“Remember, it’s essential to combine different raccoon prevention methods to increase their effectiveness and make your property less attractive to raccoons.”

By understanding raccoon behavior and implementing effective raccoon prevention tips and deterrents, you can significantly reduce the chances of raccoons invading your property. However, it’s essential to combine different methods to increase their effectiveness and make your property less attractive to raccoons.

Assessing Vulnerabilities on Your Property

Before you can effectively secure your property against raccoons, you need to identify the areas that need raccoon-proofing. Assessing vulnerabilities on your property is essential to preventing raccoon damage and intrusion. Here are some steps to get you started:

  1. Inspect your property for potential entry points. Raccoons can gain access to your property through holes, gaps, and weak spots in fences. Look for any openings in your property that a raccoon could use to get inside.
  2. Check for signs of existing raccoon activity. Raccoons can leave behind tracks, droppings, and damaged areas. These can indicate where they are entering your property or where they are nesting.
  3. Assess your outdoor structures. Raccoons can also use trees, sheds, and other outdoor structures to gain access to your property. Make sure these structures are secure and don’t have any openings that could allow raccoons to use them as a route to get inside.

Once you’ve identified the vulnerable areas on your property, it’s time to take action to secure them against raccoons. Repairing holes, gaps, and other weaknesses can help prevent raccoons from entering your property and causing damage.

Securing Property Against Raccoons

Here are some strategies to secure your property and prevent raccoon damage:

Cover openings in structuresUse wire mesh or boards to cover openings in structures like attics or sheds. Make sure to secure them tightly to prevent raccoons from entering.
Repair fences and gatesExamine your fences and gates for any openings, holes, or damage, and repair them as necessary to prevent raccoons from slipping through.
Install motion-activated lightsRaccoons are nocturnal animals, so installing motion-activated lights can help deter them from frequenting your property.
Use sturdy trash cansSecure your garbage cans with tight-fitting lids and store them inside a shed or garage, if possible. This will reduce the likelihood of raccoons scavenging through your trash.
Trim tree branchesRemove tree branches that overhang your roof or other structures, as raccoons can use them to climb onto your property.

By securing your property against raccoons, you can minimize the risk of damage and nuisance caused by these critters. Take the time to assess your property and implement the necessary measures to protect it against raccoons.

Sealing Entry Points

Once you have identified the vulnerable spots on your property that raccoons may use to gain access, it’s important to seal them off to prevent them from entering. This is a crucial step in raccoon-proofing your property and protecting it from the potential damages and mess caused by raccoons.

Caulking and Filling Holes and Cracks

The first step in sealing entry points is to use caulking or foam to fill any holes or cracks in the walls or foundations of your home or any other structures on your property. These small openings may seem insignificant, but raccoons can squeeze through surprisingly small gaps, so it’s important not to overlook them. Pay particular attention to areas where pipes, wires, or vents enter your home or where two different building materials meet.

If you’re unsure whether a particular opening is large enough for a raccoon to fit through, a good rule of thumb is that if you can fit a pencil into the opening, a raccoon can probably fit through it as well. Be sure to seal off any potential access points of this size or larger to keep raccoons out.

Repairing Damaged Areas

In addition to caulking and filling holes and cracks, it’s important to repair any areas of damage or wear and tear that may create accessibility for raccoons. This could include replacing damaged shingles or siding on your home or repairing holes in your fence or deck.

Avoid using materials that raccoons can easily climb or chew through, such as plastic or lightweight wood. Instead, choose sturdy and durable materials that can withstand the wear and tear of time and the attempts of persistent raccoons to gain entry.

Installing Barriers

For particularly vulnerable areas, such as crawl spaces or vents, you may need to install barriers to prevent raccoons from accessing them. This could include mesh or wire screens or covers that allow proper ventilation while still keeping raccoons out.

When installing barriers, be sure to use strong and sturdy materials that can withstand weathering and raccoons’ persistent attempts to gain access. The barriers should be securely attached to the walls or other structures on your property to prevent raccoons from pulling them away or dislodging them.

By using these raccoon-proofing techniques to seal entry points, you can effectively prevent raccoons from gaining access to your property and causing damage or mess. Remember to inspect periodically and make repairs as needed to ensure the long-term effectiveness of your raccoon-proofing efforts.

Proper Waste Management: Controlling Raccoon Activity

Raccoons are highly attracted to garbage bins and compost piles. To prevent them from frequenting your property, proper waste management is essential. Follow these raccoon prevention tips:

  • Store your garbage bins in a secure area that is not easily accessible to raccoons. Consider using a locking lid or bungee cords to prevent raccoons from knocking over the bins.
  • Do not leave garbage bags outside overnight. Take them to the curb or dump as soon as possible.
  • Do not leave pet food or water bowls outside overnight.
  • Ensure your compost pile is properly sealed and regularly turned to discourage raccoons from using it as a food source.

Implementing these raccoon control measures can significantly reduce raccoon activity around your property and prevent them from causing damage.

Creating Raccoon-Resistant Gardens

Having a beautiful garden is a joy, but raccoons can quickly turn it into their personal buffet. To protect your garden from these curious critters, consider the following strategies:

Using Natural Deterrents

Planting certain types of plants can help deter raccoons from your garden. Raccoons dislike the strong scent of plants like marigolds, alliums, and garlic. These plants not only serve as natural raccoon repellents, but also add beauty and diversity to your garden.

Another natural deterrent is predator urine. You can purchase coyote or fox urine and apply it around the perimeter of your garden to create the illusion that a predator is nearby, which can discourage raccoons from entering.

Physical Barriers

If natural deterrents aren’t enough, physical barriers can be an effective way to keep raccoons out of your garden. Chicken wire or hardware cloth can be used to create a fence around your garden, making it difficult for raccoons to access. Be sure to bury the fence at least 6 inches underground to prevent raccoons from digging underneath.

Highly effectiveCan be unsightly
Long-lastingCan be expensive
Protects all types of plantsRequires maintenance

Combining Strategies

For the best results, it’s recommended to use a combination of natural deterrents and physical barriers. This can increase the level of protection for your garden and make it less attractive to raccoons.

Protecting property from raccoons may be challenging, but taking the necessary steps to raccoon-proof your garden can save you from the frustration and disappointment of a destroyed garden. By employing these raccoon deterrents, you can create a beautiful and flourishing garden while keeping the raccoons at bay.

Installing Raccoon-Proof Fencing

If you want to secure your property against raccoons, fencing can be an effective solution. However, it’s important to choose the right type of fencing and install it properly to maximize its effectiveness.

The ideal fence height for raccoon-proofing is at least 8 feet. Although raccoons are agile climbers, an 8-foot fence is generally too high for them to scale easily. However, if you’re dealing with particularly determined raccoons, you may want to consider adding electric wires or other dig-proof barriers on top of the fence to reinforce its effectiveness.

Choosing the Right Fence

When choosing a fence to raccoon-proof your property, there are several factors to consider, including:

  • The material of the fence (e.g., wood, vinyl, chain-link)
  • The height of the fence
  • The style of the fence (e.g., solid, picket, mesh)
  • The cost of the fence and installation

While solid fences may provide more privacy and visual appeal, mesh or picket fences can be more effective at deterring raccoons as they provide less cover and are harder to climb. Chain-link fences are also an option, but they may not be as durable or aesthetically pleasing as other types of fencing.

Installation Tips

Proper installation is key to ensure your raccoon-proof fence is effective. Here are some installation tips to keep in mind:

  • Bury the bottom of the fence at least 6 inches below the ground to prevent raccoons from digging underneath it.
  • Ensure that the fence is securely anchored into the ground and supported by sturdy posts.
  • Seal any gaps or openings around the fence to prevent raccoons from sneaking through.

Additional Raccoon-Proofing Measures

While fencing can be an effective way to keep raccoons out of your property, it’s not always foolproof. Here are some additional measures you can take to enhance the effectiveness of your raccoon-proof fencing:

  • Install motion-activated lights or sprinklers around the perimeter of your property to startle raccoons and discourage them from approaching.
  • Trim any overhanging tree branches or vines that could provide raccoons with a pathway over the fence.
  • Remove any objects (e.g., stacked firewood, ladders) that raccoons could use to climb over the fence.

Pro Tip: Remember to check your fence regularly for any damage or weak spots. Raccoons are persistent and may try to find ways to bypass or break through your fencing, so it’s important to stay vigilant and address any issues promptly.

Using Repellents and Traps

If you’ve tried DIY raccoon-proofing methods and still have raccoon problems, repellents and traps can be useful tools in your raccoon control measures arsenal. However, it’s important to use them properly to avoid harming the animals or causing undue stress.


There are two types of repellents: natural and commercial. Natural repellents include predator urine, pepper sprays, and mothballs. Commercial repellents typically contain synthetic chemicals. Both types work by emitting odors that raccoons find unpleasant.

When using repellents, it’s important to follow the instructions carefully and apply them in the areas where raccoons are most likely to enter your property. Keep in mind that repellents may need to be reapplied regularly to remain effective.


If you decide to use traps, it’s important to choose humane options that won’t cause harm to the animals. Live traps, such as cage traps, are a popular choice. Bait the trap with food that raccoons like, such as sweet corn or canned cat food, and place the trap in an area where raccoons are known to frequent.

Once you’ve captured a raccoon, it’s important to relocate it at least 10 miles away from your property to prevent it from returning. Alternatively, you can hire a professional wildlife control service to release the raccoon in a safe location.

Remember, trapping should only be used as a last resort when other raccoon prevention tips and control measures have failed.

Maintaining a Raccoon-Proof Property

Raccoon-proofing your property is not a one-time task, and it requires ongoing maintenance to ensure its effectiveness. The following are essential upkeep tasks that can help you maintain a raccoon-proof property for long-term protection against raccoon damage.

  • Inspect your property periodically: Regular inspections can help you identify potential vulnerabilities that require repair or reinforcement. Check for any signs of damage or wear and tear in your property’s structures, including fences, roofs, and walls. Additionally, inspect your garbage bins and compost piles to ensure they’re secure and not attracting raccoons.
  • Repair and reinforce: Once you’ve identified any areas that need attention, repair or reinforce them promptly. Fix any holes or gaps in your fences, replace damaged roofing, and seal any openings in your property’s structures. Reinforce vulnerable areas with sturdy materials that can withstand raccoon activity.
  • Proactive measures: In addition to regular inspections, there are other proactive measures you can take to keep raccoons away from your property. Use natural raccoon deterrents, such as planting strong-scented plants around your property’s perimeter or using motion-activated sprinklers.
  • Garbage storage: Proper garbage storage is crucial in preventing raccoon activity. Store your garbage bins securely in a shed or a garage, if possible. If you don’t have a storage area, use bungee cords or other types of fasteners to secure the lids of your garbage bins.
  • Composting: Opt for a compost bin that’s sealed and has a lid that can’t be opened by raccoons. Avoid composting meat, dairy, or greasy foods that can attract raccoons. Turn the compost frequently to speed up the decomposition process and prevent it from serving as a potential food source for raccoons.

By implementing these measures, you can maintain a raccoon-proof property and prevent raccoon damage. With regular maintenance and upkeep, you can enjoy a raccoon-free environment for years to come.

Seeking Professional Help

While DIY raccoon-proofing measures can go a long way in securing your property against raccoons, there are times when professional help may be necessary. Wildlife control experts have the experience, knowledge, and equipment to effectively remove raccoons and prevent them from returning.

If you’re facing persistent raccoon problems or need additional assistance in securing your property against raccoons, consider contacting a professional animal removal company. They offer a range of raccoon control measures that can help rid your property of these wily critters and prevent future infestations.

Some of the services a professional wildlife control company can provide include:

  • Raccoon removal: Experienced technicians can trap and remove raccoons from your property safely and humanely.
  • Property assessment: Experts can assess your property for vulnerabilities and recommend effective raccoon control measures to prevent future infestations.
  • Exclusion services: Professionals can seal off entry points and install barriers to prevent raccoons from gaining access to your property.
  • Repairs: Wildlife control experts can repair damage caused by raccoons, including fixing chewed wires, damaged insulation, and torn siding.

When selecting a wildlife control company, be sure to choose one that is licensed, insured, and experienced in dealing with raccoons. A reputable company will provide a detailed estimate and explain their methods for raccoon removal and prevention.

Remember, the longer you wait to address a raccoon problem, the more damage they can cause. Take action today and seek professional help if necessary to secure your property against these pesky critters.


Raccoons can be adorable creatures, but they can also cause significant damage to your property if left unchecked. Remember, raccoon-proofing your property is essential to protect it from these pesky critters.

By following the DIY strategies we’ve discussed in this guide, you can protect your property from raccoons, prevent damage, and create a raccoon-free environment. Remember to assess your property vulnerabilities, seal off entry points, manage your waste, and install raccoon-proof fencing.

Creating a raccoon-resistant garden, using repellents and traps, and seeking professional help when necessary are also effective ways to secure your property against raccoons. And don’t forget to maintain your property regularly to ensure the effectiveness of your raccoon prevention measures.

Take Action Today!

Don’t let your property fall victim to raccoon damage and nuisance. Take action today and implement the strategies discussed in this guide to raccoon-proof your property for good. With the right tools and techniques, you can keep raccoons at bay and enjoy a peaceful, raccoon-free environment.


Why is raccoon-proofing important for protecting my property?

Raccoons can cause damage to structures, gardens, and pose potential health risks. Raccoon-proofing helps prevent these issues and keeps your property safe.

What are some DIY strategies for raccoon-proofing?

DIY strategies include sealing entry points, securing garbage bins, creating raccoon-resistant gardens, and installing raccoon-proof fencing.

How can I prevent raccoons from entering my property?

Assessing vulnerabilities, sealing entry points, proper waste management, and installing raccoon-proof fencing are effective measures to prevent raccoon intrusion.

What are some natural deterrents for raccoons?

Natural deterrents for raccoons include ammonia-soaked rags, pepper spray, and motion-activated sprinklers.

Can I use traps to deal with raccoons?

Yes, you can use humane traps to capture raccoons. However, it’s recommended to seek professional assistance for safe and responsible handling.

How often should I maintain my raccoon-proof property?

Regular maintenance is crucial. Perform periodic inspections, repairs, and upkeep tasks to ensure the ongoing effectiveness of your raccoon prevention efforts.

When should I consider seeking professional help with raccoon control?

If you’re dealing with persistent raccoon problems or need additional assistance, it’s appropriate to involve wildlife control experts. They can provide specialized services to secure your property against raccoons.

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